Wednesday 24 April 2013

Grow Your Business By Getting Back to Basics


       Grow Your Business By Getting Back to Basics

Here are five suggestions to get you thinking, moving and looking in different directions for ideas you can apply to your own business:

1. Get inspired by other industries.
Think of the several ways you can reinvent the already existing innovations of other companies. try making their inventions better or cheaper or even easier for customers to pickup.
Your own takeaways from other industries needn't be so grandiose.
2. take note of people's needs. 
This is something most people will usually shove aside because we live in a world where every one looks out for themselves alone, but to be a successful business person , you must look out and try to fulfill the needs of others. hey! Think of it as been a super hero.
Complaints are a good start. learn to listen.

3. Listen to your team. 
Your team is another source for great ideas, especially when it comes to productivity and efficiency in process or operations. If you're willing to ask the questions and listen, you'll probably find two or three great ideas you can implement with little disruption to your current operations. This will involve you having a very flexible company structure.
4. Hit the book shops.
 There's no better way to get ideas than to learn from those who have "been there" and "done that" before you. 
We live in a rare age where more information is readily available than at any other time in history. Take advantage of our capital stock of accumulated knowledge and information. You'll start to see connections between categories and industries you never realized before.
5. Find yourself a trusted advisor. 
Getting an outside perspective can add value and dimension to you operation, especially if the person working with you is growth-oriented and has a proven track record of success.
A good advisor can typically look at your operations and give you a number of strategically sound suggestions you may not have thought of before.
The best ideas arrive when we're willing to see and do new things. Start noticing what areas of your business you'd like to innovate or turn around. Not every fix may be a good fit for you, but the more you explore and test, the faster you will find innovations with a potential to be transformational for your company.

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