Tuesday 23 April 2013

LHW NEWS: Bombing unites Syria and Boston ( REALLY EMOTIONAL )

Bombing unites Syria and Boston

Bostonians respond to Syrians' condolences after marathon attack.Boston / SyriaBanners from Kafranbel in Syria and the US city of Boston. Image via Reddit.A small town in northern Syria sent condolences to the city of Boston after last Monday's bombing, creating an unexpected link between the two countries. The town of Kafranbel is famous for creative banners at weekly anti-government protests, many of them in English. 

Bostonians responded with thanks of their own through social media on Saturday.
Mohja Kahf shares a response from Boston, which reads, "Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and friends: thank you for your condolences. We hope you accept ours".
Subhanallah from Syria to Boston. And from Boston to Syria. Look at this inspiring pic. #PrayForBoston #PrayForSyria 

  1. She adds in a comment:
  2. It is people who suffer under similar conditions who feel the most genuinely for Boston. Kafr Nbel, Syria, finds the energy to send condolences. Here, grieving Bostonians, too, find heart to send return condolences to Syrians, as well as to Afghans and Iraqis all of whom suffered man-made violence on the same day.
  3. Many Americans flocked to Kafranbel's Facebook page to send their thanks to the town. James Nevillewrites: 
  4. Thank you, I wish we would help bring peace to your land.
  5. This has affected us here in Boston so much this week. I can't imagine dealing with this everyday! My prayers are with you. Thank you for thinking of us here in Boston.
  6. Ahmad ibn Kafranbel responds to Americans' comments: 
  7. أحمد ابن كفرنبل I'm from this village and I wanted to express some love its people for peace and for visitors from any other country, and we invite you to visit us after the situation becomes safe, and the people of the village welcomed warmly by all visitors, and draw love lips do not ask now only pray and to be the world beside the oppressed not the oppressor
  8. Users also weighed in on Reddit and Twitter. 
  9. I think it's great to see 2 places who have been at the heart of some violence and terrorism come together and put differences aside (religion for one) to offer condolences.
  10. #Kafranbel has always held great signs from #syria. Always positive with a light spirit under horrible circumstances. #PT
  11. #Syria to Boston. #Boston to Syria. Solidarity is beautiful.
  12. From #Syria to #Boston. Tragedies like these shouldn't divide,they should instead unite as we face similar struggles:

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