Wednesday 24 April 2013

Nigeria accused of killing 185 during assault

Nigeria accused of killing 185 during assault

Nigeria's army has been accused of killing perhaps 185 people during an assault on a remote stronghold of Boko Haram, a radical Islamist movement linked to al-Qaeda.

A young girl stands amid the burned ruins of part of the town of Baga, Nigeria.
A young girl stands amid the burned ruins of part of the town of Baga, Nigeria. Photo: AP
A battle that continued over the weekend began on Friday when the army attacked the town of Baga, located in Borno state in the far north-east of Nigeria. By Sunday, one account suggested that 185 bodies had been buried, which would make this one of the bloodiest incidents of the campaign against Boko Haram.
The fighting started when a soldier was killed, causing the army to respond by surrounding a mosque in Baga where they believed Boko Haram insurgents were hiding.
Boko Haram was born in this area, where the Muslim population has become increasingly radicalised. The group has since allied with al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). When AQIM controlled northern Mali, Boko Haram fighters trained alongside its operatives in a camp in Timbuktu.
Large areas of Baga lay in ruins yesterday, showing the ferocity of the fighting. But the army disputed the report that 185 people had been killed. Colonel Sagir Musaan, a military spokesman, told the Agence France Presse news agency that the death toll had been "extensively inflated". One unnamed official suggested that dozens had been killed.
The Nigerian army has carried out indiscriminate attacks on civilians during its campaign against Boko Haram. Equally, local people have given inflated death tolls from military operations in the past. The International Committee of the Red Cross said that it would visit Baga once security was assured. The ICRC confirmed that a significant attack had happened, but could not give a death toll.

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