Monday 29 April 2013

Qatar 'playing with fire' as it funds Syrian Islamists in quest for global influence

Qatar 'playing with fire' as it funds Syrian Islamists in quest for global influence

Questions are increasingly being asked about weapons and money being supplied to Islamist rebel groups in Syria by sympathetic Arab states, because of growing fears that they are falling into the hands of jihadists and other extremists.

Qatar 'playing with fire' as it funds Syrian extremists in quest for global influence
Militants in the al-Jazeera region on the Iraqi side of the Syria-Iraq border Photo: AP
Qatar and Saudi Arabia are among a handful of countries whose support for the uprising against Bashar al-Assad's regime has won plaudits from many in the region, where few dispute that the Syrian president has forfeited any right to power.
But signs that arms and cash may be filtering through to groups such as the al-Nusra Brigade, which has openly declared allegiance to al-Qaeda, are alarming Western observers.
As the West has hesitated over sending its own military assistance, non-sectarian elements of the rebel Free Syrian Army are being outflanked and out-gunned by better-funded and armed Islamist fighters, including foreign jihadists.
Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani (EPA)
Qatar's prime minister, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani, said recently: "As there is no clear international opinion to end the crisis in Syria... we are supporting the opposition with whatever it needs, even if it takes up arms for self-defence."
But by focusing support on Islamist groups, both Qatar and Saudi Arabia are seen by many to be playing with fire.
"The fear is that both the Saudis and the Qataris are competing for influence in Syria by pouring in support to rival groups of jihadist fighters, and that Syria is descending into the depths of hell as a result," said Simon Henderson of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a US research group dedicated to improving American strategy in the Middle East.
Engagement with Syrian rebels is seen as part of a wider effort by the Emir of Qatar to acquire greater influence for his kingdom, assisted by the riches from the world's largest natural gas fields just off its coast.
In Britain, Qatar is better known for owning some of London's top landmarks, from Harrods in Knightsbridge through to the Shard and parts of Canary Wharf, through a £50bn sovereign wealth fund. Last month the fund paid £300 million for the five star Park Lane Intercontinental, and it also helped build No 1 Hyde Park, a £1 billion apartment block.
But in the Middle East, the Emir is helping redraw the entire political landscape. Last year he gave £250 million aid to Gaza, the territory controlled by the Palestinian militant group Hamas - thus infuriating Israel.
Earlier this month, Qatar announced a £2bn aid package for Egypt, bolstering the Islamist-minded Muslim Brotherhood government that sent shockwaves through the region when it won power after the country's Arab Spring revolution.
The Qatari intervention in Syria echoes its earlier involvement in Libya, where the rebellion - this time with the West's active support - overthrew the Gaddafi regime. There, too, secularists have accused Qatar of mostly helping rebels affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood. Many of its followers support Sharia law and only limited rights for women, and critics say its vision is a clue to the kind of society the Emir really seeks to promote.
Bashar Assad with Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani in 2008 (AP)
At home in Qatar, the Emir hosts the largest US military base in the Arab world, a strategic bulwark against Iran, but last year he also allowed the Afghan Taliban to open its first overseas bureau.
That was established to enable peace negotiations with US officials, although any talks have now stalled. Doha is also one of the few Arab capitals to maintain reasonable relations with Iran, which seeks to be the pre-eminent power in the Gulf region.
In 1995, the Emir set up the ground-breaking satellite channel, Al Jazeera, whose largely uncensored reporting has enthralled Arab audiences and enraged their rulers ever since - although less so in Qatar itself.
Here, the Emir has been less welcoming to any signs of the Arab spring. Al Jazeera's trenchant journalism does not extend to scrutinising political life within the kingdom, and the Emir and his family enjoy largely uncritical coverage.
Meanwhile a Qatari poet, Muhammad al-Ajami, who wrote verses praising the Arab Spring uprising in Tunisia and calling for the overthrow of the country's own "repressive elite", is serving a 15-year prison sentence for the offence.
"The Qataris present themselves as a progressive force in the Middle East, but their attitudes towards internal dissent are very different," said Nicholas McGeehan, a researcher with Human Rights Watch, an independent campaign group that monitors political freedoms worldwide. "In a country setting itself up as a bastion of media freedom, that is hypocritical as well as wrong."
It all makes Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, to give the Emir his full name, something of an enigma. Born into a tribe that has ruled the former British protectorate since the 19th century, he took power in a bloodless palace coup against his own father in 1995, having become dissatisfied with the pace of modernisation.
A noted Anglophile, who trained at Sandhurst and sent his heir apparent to Sherborne public school in Dorset, he has made Qatar a liberal state by comparison to its neighbour, Saudi Arabia. Women can drive, alcohol is discreetly on sale in some hotels, and in June the country will hold its first legislative elections, with both sexes voting.
Qatar's wealth has helped spare it from turmoil, with average annual income per head nearly £60,000, the highest in the world - enabling it to construct an ultra-modern capital, Doha, where 250,000 Qataris live alongside 1.5 million expatriates.
The Qatari Embassy in London did not respond to questions from The Sunday Telegraph about the Emir's domestic or foreign policies.
But diplomatic relations with Britain are warm. In 2011 the Emir and one of his wives was a guest of the Queen at Windsor Castle and in January he met the Prime Minister, David Cameron.
Qatar has shares in Sainsburys, Barclays Bank, Heathrow Airport and the London Stock Exchange, among British companies, and has discussed with Downing Street investing up to £10bn into infrastructure projects.
Yet all that leads some to question its growing influence in Britain. "These are not benign investors," said Mr McGeehan. "They come with a chequered human rights past that should be of concern to anyone."
Meanwhile the armed Islamists who have benefited from Qatar's largesse may yet be the undoing not just of the Assad regime, but of hopes for a stable, secular and moderate new Syrian government.

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